The public bus route network services the Halifax Peninsula, as well as Dartmouth and other parts of town. Unfortunately, bus route maps and schedules are NOT found at bus stops and in bus shelters, so it is important to consult a system map before you set out anywhere by bus: You can check bus stop times by dialing 1-902-480 + the 4-digit bus stop code (and follow the promptings). Connecting Dalhousie University with downtown Halifax are Routes #1 (frequent and most direct) as well as #10 and #14 (a little less frequent, especially on weekends). Follow the links for route schedules and maps: Route 1 schedulemapRoute 10 schedulemapRoute 14 schedulemap . To visit most of the major visitor sights, you can use FRED ("Free Rides Everywhere Downtown), a free shuttle service operating in the downtown area seven days a week, from 10:30 AM until 5:03 PM. FEES: $2.25 cash fare, exact change needed on bus. 10 tickets can be purchased for $18 at the Dalhousie Bookstore as well as at many drugstores (Shoppers’ Drug Mart and Lawton’s are two chains near Dalhousie). TRANSFERS: When boarding the bus, ask for a transfer. A transfer allows the user to transfer between multiple route buses and ferries traveling in any direction without having to pay an additional fare. Transfers are valid for 90 minutes from the time of issue. TECHNICALITIES: The bus does not make all stops by default. To get off, you pull the yellow string or press a red button to alert the driver. Also, food and open drinks (i.e., coffee not in a travel mug) are technically not allowed on board and can prevent you from boarding! BONUS: The ferries running across the harbour to Dartmouth and back also form a part of the transportation system and require only the normal bus fee. Also, a transfer obtained on a bus can be used to board the ferry, and vice versa. So your 90 minute transfer potentially allows you to ride the ferry to Dartmouth, take some pictures and come back to Halifax for only $2.25.