Conference Program
Time | General Program | Young Scientists Program (YSP) | Location | ||
September, 20 Saturday |
12:00-16:00 | YS informal get-together at the beach in front of the YS hotel, volley/soccer games | Vila do Mar Hotel | |||
16:00-18:00 | Registration | ||||
18:00-22:00 | YS Welcome Cocktail | ||||
September, 21 Sunday |
13:30-14:30 | Registration | CCN | |||
14:30-18:10 | YS Mini-Workshop with lectures by Keynote/Invited Speakers of each session | ||||
19:00-22:00 | YS / Senior Scientist Mixer | Sal & Brasa Churrascaria | |||
September, 22 Monday |
8:30-8:50 | Invited S1 Thomas Karl | Probing the atmospheric oxidation capacity based on airborned eddt covariance measurements of volatile organic compounds | |||
8:50-9:05 | S1 Christopher Wilson | In-situ and Satellite Observations in the Amazon Basin and Variational Inverse Modelling Indicate Increased Dry-Season Emissions of Methane | |||
9:20-9:35 | S1 Yinon Rudich | Fire and smoke in the Amazon Basin: a combined statistics | |||
9:35-9:50 | S1 Ian Galbally | Observations of Atmospheric Acetonitrile in the Mid-Latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere and its Global Distribution Away from Biomass Burning Influences | |||
9:50-10:20 | Coffee Break | ||||
10:20-10:40 | Invited S1 Lucy Carpenter | Progress in understanding the emissions, chemistry and impacts of reactive halogens | |||
10:40-10:55 | YS | S1 Katerina Sindelarova | Spatio-temporal variability of biogenic isoprene emissions and their impact on atmospheric chemical composition | ||
10:55-11:10 | S1 Sellegri Karine | Marine Primary and Secondary Aerosol emissions related to seawater biogeochemistry from a mesocosm study | |||
11:10-11:25 | S1 Hiroshi Tanimoto | In situ measurement of air-sea exchange of volatile organic compounds by PTR-MS coupled with gradient flux technique in the Pacific Ocean | |||
11:25-11:40 | YS | S1 Raluca Ciuraru | Volatile organic compounds emission from light-induced reactions at the sea surface microlayer | ||
11:40-11:55 | S1 Ruhi Humphries | A new source of Southern Ocean and Antarctic aerosol from tropospheric polar cell chemistry of sea ice emissions | |||
11:55-13:15 | Lunch | ||||
13:15-13:35 | Invited S6 Jason West | Connecting Climate Change, Air Pollution, and Human Health | |||
13:35-13:50 | YS | S6 Laura Baker | Climate responses to perturbations of short-lived climate forcers | ||
13:50-14:05 | S6 Yuhang Wang | Wildfire and regional climate variability: A global perspective | |||
14:05-14:20 | S6 William C. Porter | Examining the observed and modeled sensitivities of air-quality extremes to meteorological drivers using advanced statistical techniques | |||
14:20-14:40 | S6 Susanne Bauer | Impact of agricultural emissions on future climates | |||
14:40-15:05 | Coffee Break | ||||
15:05-16:15 | Opening Ceremony | ||||
16:15-19:00 | Icebreaker + Poster Session (S1 & S6) | ||||
September, 23 Tuesday |
8:00-8:20 | Invited S6 Paul Young | Herding cats or herding sheep? A multi-model perspective on tropospheric ozone | CCN | ||
8:20-8:35 | S6 Ricardo Henrique Moreton Godoi | Integrated analysis of air pollution at Antarctic: an overview of the Brazilian Antarctic Monitoring and the Brazilian standalone module - Criosfera 1 | |||
8:35-8:50 | YS | S6 William Morgan | Transformation of aerosol chemical composition and resultant impact on climate during the South American Biomass Burning Analysis (SAMBBA) | ||
8:50-9:05 | S6 Laura Gallardo | Connecting air qualilty and climate over and downwind Santiago de Chile | |||
9:05-9:20 | S6 Russell Dickerson | The impact of climate on air quality - Studies from the eastern US | |||
9:20-9:35 | S6 Yukio FUKUYAMA | Operational aircraft observation of atmospheric CO2, CH4, CO and N2O in the mid-troposphere over the western North Pacific | |||
9:35-9:50 | YS | S6 Anke Roiger | Quantifying emerging local anthropogenic emissions in the Arctic region: the ACCESS aircraft campaign experiment | ||
9:50-10:20 | Coffee Break | ||||
10:20-10:40 | Invited S5 Carl Percival | The role of Criegee Intermediates in Tropospheric Chemistry | |||
10:40-10:55 | S5 Thomas F. Mentel | A new class of low-volatility organic compounds in new particle formation | |||
10:55-11:10 | S5 Thorsten Hoffmann | High molecular weight / low volatile organics in SOA: Homogeneous vs. heterogeneous formation | |||
11:10-11:25 | S5 Hartmut Herrmann | A combined ELVOC study at the Leipzig aerosol chamber (LEAK) and at the TROPOS research station Melpitz | |||
11:25-11:40 | YS | S5 Haofei Zhang | Comprehensive Speciation of Organic Aerosols Reveals Evaporation and Oxidation Kinetics of Long-Chain Normal Alkanes | ||
11:40-11:55 | YS | S5 Liselotte Tinel | Imidazole-2-carboxaldehyde, a new efficient photosensitizer: fundamental kinetics and proposed mechanism for the formation of halide radicals. | ||
11:55-13:15 | Lunch | YS Lunch with an Invited/Keynote Speaker | |||
13:15-13:35 | Invited S5 Jason Surratt | Heterogeneous Chemistry of Isoprene-Derived Epoxides Leading to Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation | |||
13:35-13:50 | S5 Eleanor Browne | Impact of oxidative aging on the chemical composition and optical properties of brown carbon aerosols | |||
13:50-14:05 | YS | S5 J. Michel Flores | Complex refractive indices in the near-ultraviolet spectral region for biogenic secondary organic aerosol aged with ammonia | ||
14:05-14:20 | S5 Dwayne Heard | Heterogeneous uptake of HO2 radicals to aerosols. Mechanistic insights from laboratory measurements and kinetic modelling. | |||
14:20-14:45 | Coffee Break | ||||
14:45-15:15 | GAW | Keynote: Greg Carmichael | Global Atmospheric Watch - Celebrating 25 Years! | ||
15:15-18:00 | GAW Celebration + Poster Session (S3 & S4) | ||||
September, 24 Wednesday |
8:00-8:30 | Keynote: Jos Lelieveld | Strongly growing air pollution and related mortality, especially in Asia | CCN | ||
8:30-8:50 | Invited S3 Ilan Koren | Process level analysis of invigoration in warm convective clouds | |||
8:50-9:05 | S3 Frida Bender | Aerosol effects on subtropical marine stratocumulus cloud albedo in climate models and satellite observations | |||
9:05-9:20 | S3 Pablo Saide | Central American biomass burning smoke can increase tornado severity in the US | |||
9:20-9:35 | YS | S3 Carlos J. Valle Díaz | Impact of Long-Range Transported African Dust Events on Cloud Chemistry at a Caribbean Tropical Montane Cloud Forest | ||
9:35-9:50 | S3 Madeleine Sánchez Gácita | Hygroscopic behavior and CCN activity of biomass burning aerosols in Brazil: preliminary results | |||
9:50-10:20 | Coffee Break | ||||
10:20-10:40 | Invited S3 Akua Asu-Awuka | The Chemical and Physical Evolution of Complex Cloud Condensation Nuclei | |||
10:40-10:55 | YS | S3 Kerri Pratt | Molecular Composition of Organic Compounds in Atmospheric Particles and Cloud Water during SOAS: Insights into Aqueous Processing | ||
10:55-11:10 | YS | S3 Kristina Pistone | The effect of atmospheric properties and processes on aerosol indirect effects in a trade cumulus regime | ||
11:10-11:25 | YS | S3 Benjamin N. Murphy | New particle formation in pristine Amazonian deep convective clouds | ||
11:25-12:15 | Lunch (Pick up brown bag lunch) | ||||
12:15-18:00 | Tours | ||||
September, 25 - Thursday |
8:00-8:20 | Invited 4.3 Tong Zhu | Air pollution in China: Scientific and Public Policy Challenges | CCN | ||
8:20-8:35 | S4 Dario Gomez | Levels and composition of PM2.5 in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires: local and regional contributions in inland versus coastal sites | |||
8:35-8:50 | S4 Jiang Zhu | Assimilation of surface PM2.5 observations from more than 300 stations into an air quality model over China | |||
8:50-9:05 | S4 Catherine Liousse | African anthropogenic combusion emissions: impact on atmotspheric compoistion and health in 2005 and 2030 | |||
9:05-9:20 | YS | S4 Aishwarya Raman | Using chemical ratios to disentangle sources of particulate matter pollution: Implications for population exposure and human mortality | ||
9:20-9:35 | S4 Dara Salcedo | PM chemical characterization in Tijuana (México) during the Cal-Mex Campaign | |||
9:35-9:50 | S4 Márcia Akemi Yamasoe | Aerosol particles optical depth retrievals at Sao Paulo city and effect on downward solar irradiance at the surface | |||
9:50-10:05 | S4 Tami Bond | Energy-related emission projections: the nexus of economy, infrastructure, and technology | |||
10:05-10:35 | Coffee Break | ||||
10:35-10:55 | Invited S4 Michael Gauss | Modelling different spatial scales | |||
10:55-11:05 | GAW | S4 Marcos Froilan Andrade Flores | Results from the first two years of aerosol and gas observations at the world"s highest GAW station: Chacaltaya, Bolivia | ||
11:05-11:25 | S4 Sachiko Hayashida | Tropospheric ozone climatology since 1995 over East Asia | |||
11:25-11:40 | YS | S4 Roelof Petrus Burger | In-situ characterization of air quality over South Africa | ||
11:40-11:55 | S4 Anne Mee Thompson | Is Tropospheric Ozone Really Increasing over Southern Africa? Evidence of a Paradox from Surface, Sonde and Aircraft Observations | |||
11:40-11:55 | S4 Spyros Pandis | Organic aerosol concentration and composition over Europe: Insights from chemical transport modeling and factor analysis data | |||
11:55-13:15 | Lunch | ||||
13:15-13:30 | S4 Melita Keywood | Investigations of the formation and growth of ultrafine particles in a coastal urban environment | |||
13:30-13:45 | S4 John Burrows | Observing the Anthropocene from Space | |||
13:45-14:05 | Invited S4 Paulo Saldiva | Combining greenhouse gases emission mitigation and health co-benefits due to reduction of local air pollutants: a global perspective | |||
13:45-17:00 | Coffee Break + Posters (S2 & S5) | YS evaluation/visioning meeting (afternoon) | |||
18:30-22:00 | Banquet | YS poster awards ceremony during conference banquet (evening) | Vila Hal - Hotel Vila do Mar | ||
September, 26 - Friday |
8:00-8:30 | Keynote: A. R. Ravishankara | Why do we do the (atmospheric) science we do? | CCN | ||
8:30-8:50 | Invited S2 Anne Marie Carlton | Atmosphere-biosphere interactions during SOAS through multiphase chemistry | |||
8:50-9:05 | S2 Maria Cristina Facchini | Impact of emissions and climate stressors on the atmospheric aerosol composition during the 2012 PEGASOS field campaign | |||
9:05-9:20 | S2 Hanwant B. Singh | Wildfire emissions and their interaction with urban and rural pollution: data and simulations | |||
9:20-9:35 | S2 Alfred Wiedensohler | Measurements of black carbon particle mass concentration and particle number size distribution on a large high altitude city over the Andean mountains and its possible transport to the lower free troposphere | |||
9:50-10:05 | S2 Akinori Ito | Organic nitrogen formation in the atmosphere and deposition to the ocean | |||
10:05-10:35 | Coffee Break | ||||
10:35-10:55 | S2 Invited Steven S. Brown | Nocturnal biogenic VOC oxidation in the residual layer: Night flights in the Southeast U.S. during SENEX 2013 | |||
10:55-11:05 | YS | S2 Lindsay Diana Yee | Observational Constraints on Terpene Oxidation with and without Anthropogenic Influence in the Amazon using Speciated Measurements from SV-TAG | ||
11:05-11:25 | S2 Joel Ferreira Brito | Non-refractory submicron aerosol composition before and after Manaus as observed during GoAmazon2014/5 | |||
11:25-11:40 | YS | S2 Edward Malina | Mapping of biogenic and abiogenic methane from space using GOSAT and ACE | ||
11:40-11:55 | S2 Yingjun Liu | Tracking anthropogenic influence on isoprene chemistry over Amazonia | |||
11:55-12:05 | S2 Astrid Kiendler-Scharr | Night time formation of secondary organic aerosol: new evidence for a strong source from NO3 oxidation | |||
12:05-12:20 | S2 Tibisay Pérez | The relative importance of water soluble organic nitrogen in tropical atmospheric deposition. Possible mechanisms and implications to regional tropical ecosystems atmospheric nitrogen sources. | |||
12:20-12:35 | S2 Joyce E. Penner | Formation of SOA using an explicit multi-phase scheme: Radiative forcing in the atmosphere and on snow | |||
12:35-14:00 | Special Farewell Lunch | ||||
14:00-15:00 | Closing Ceremony | YS evaluation/visioning resume and YS Best Speakers Awards during closing ceremony (afternoon) |
Young Scientists activities (see detailed YS Program)

Last update: 12.07.2014
- This is a preliminar schedule that will be refined after abstract submission is concluded and the contributions were analyzed by the Scientific Committee.
- Registration will be open on Sunday from 16:00 - 18:00h and each morning starting 07:15h.
- Sessions will generally start with a 30/20 min. talk by one of the Keynote/Invited Speakers.
- Regular presentations will take 15 min.
- Posters will be displayed during the whole week.