Keynote & Invited Speakers

Keynote Speakers


Robert Duce

Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M, USA
K.001 The Future of Atmospheric Chemistry – A Report by the U.S. National Academies

Maria Kanakidou

Department of Chemistry, University of Crete, Greece
K.002 Aerosols in atmospheric chemistry and biogeochemical cycles

David Fahey

NOAA ESRL Chemical Sciences Division, NOAA, USA
K.003 Earth Observations & Modeling for Decision Making

Invited Speakers


  Session 1: Atmospheric Chemistry and Urbanization

  • Nicolas Huneeus, University of Chile, Chile
    1.064 Urban pollution to the Andean cryosphere
  • Tracey Holloway, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
    1.130 Energy, Air Quality, and Urbanization

  Session 2: Atmospheric Chemistry, Ecosystems and Agriculture

  • Lisa Emberson, York University, UK
    2.057 The development of modelling methods to assess the combined threat of climate extremes and ozone on ecosystems
  • Fabien Paulot, Princeton University, USA
    2.076 Modulation of nitrogen deposition by natural and anthropogenic land surface heterogeneities

  Session 3: Atmospheric Chemistry and Energy

  • Thomas Ryerson, NOAA, USA
    3.009 Field studies quantifying atmospheric emissions from energy production and consumption in the U.S.
  • Yuxuan Wang, Tsinghua University, China
    3.047 “Smart” control of emissions from power generation in China and policy implications

  Session 4: Atmospheric Chemistry and Fundamental Studies

  • Hartmut Hermann, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Germany
    4.056 Tropospheric multiphase chemistry – from the lab to the field
  • Barbara Nozière, University of Lyon, France
    4.076 Towards a complete picture of the atmospheric radical cycles: the speciated detection of gas-phase organic radicals by proton transfer mass spectrometry

  Session 5: Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Change

  • Prabir Patra, Research Institute for Global Change, Japan
    5.043 On quantification of hydroxyl in chemistry-climate models
  • Oliver Wild, Lancaster University, UK
    5.058 Quantifying and Reducing Uncertainty in Model Studies of Tropospheric Composition

  Session 6: Atmospheric Chemistry: Observing Composition and Variability

  • Valérie Thouret, Laboratoire d’Aérologie, France
    6.053 In-service Aircraft for Global Monitoring : 20 Years of MOZAIC-IAGOS measurements
  • David Crisp, NASA/JPL, USA
    6.069 Measuring Atmospheric CO2 with the NASA Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2)


University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
National Center for Atmospheric Research

National Centre for Atmospheric Science, UK


Department of Energy National Science Foundation
National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ESA WMO GAW

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