IGAC ECR Conference

2023 iCACGP-IGAC ECR online conference registration

The newly established iCACGP-IGAC Early Career Scientific Steering Committee is organising its first
online conference for early career researchers (ECRs) in atmospheric chemistry research around the

For this event we are defining an ECR to be students or up to 7 years out of a PhD or Masters (excl. career breaks). 

The event will take place across three time zones on November 17th, 2023:
           -Asia/Oceania (03:00-09:00 UTC)
           -Africa/Europe/Middle-East (10:00-16:00 UTC)
           -Americas (16:00-22:00 UTC)

Each time zone will have invited talks and poster sessions to showcase the global contribution to
atmospheric chemistry research by ECRs, and interactive ice-breakers, collaborative activities, and
skills/funding workshops to foster networking and engagement between ECRs.
This event is free and we welcome all members and associations of the IGAC community to join us for
the highlight talks and poster sessions.

The deadline for registration is October 17 th 2023 at 00:00 UTC. Register your interest here!

If you have any questions, please write to igacecr@igacproject.org.

Register your interest here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MQMSBYG