iCACGP/IGAC Early Career Scientific Steering Committee

The first-ever iCACGP-IGAC Early Career Scientific Steering Committee was formed in 2023. They are developing new ways for early career atmospheric chemistry researchers to interact, grow their networks, and connect with the wider global IGAC Network. 17 November 2023 ECR Conference information here: https://igacproject.org/icacgp-igac-2023-ecr-online-conference. ECR-SSC website here: https://www.ecr-igac-icacgp.org/

Early Career Scientific Steering Committee

Simone standing on a beach Simone Andersen (Co-Chair)
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry , Germany
emily matthews head shot Emily Matthews (Co-Chair)
University of Manchester, UK
headshot william apondo William Apondo
University of Bologna , Italy
Cybelli Barbosa photo Cybelli Barbosa
National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa da Amazônia), Brazil
Flossie in a cafe Flossie Brown
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
hannah bryant in front of green wall Hannah Bryant
University of Edinburgh, UK
Julieta in front of trees Julieta F. Juncosa Calahorrano
University of Minnesota, United States
tammy hamilton headshot Tamryn Hamilton
North-West University, South Africa
Diana by a water vidw Nor Diana Abdul Halim
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) , Malaysia
headshot susan Shyno Susan John
Air Environment Consulting Pty Ltd, Australia
lateef by water Sarkawt Lateef
University of Sulaimani, Iraq
Emmie picture outside Emmie Le Roy
Massachusetts Institute of Technology , United States
arielle picture by the ocean Arielle Milkman
University of Colorado, USA
Mishra in front of building bushes Sachin Kumar Mishra
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali (IISERM), India
picture of martin white background Martin Otto Paul Ramacher
Hereon Institute of Coastal Environmental Chemistry, Germany
Pravash in Garden Pravash Tiwari
China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT), China
vohra headshot Karn Vohra
University of Birmingham, UK, UK
patrick headshot Li (Patrick) Yuanzhe
School of Science and Technology at Sophia University, Japan
shahid in field sunset Shahid Uz Zaman
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Bangladesh