
iCACGP-IGAC Joint Conference 2022
Manchester, UK
Please see here for details!
Abstract submissions due June 7, submit abstracts here
Registration is open, early bird registration ends July 15th. Register here
Early Career Short Course 8-10 September 2022. Applications due June 7, apply here
Applications are open for side meetings, please see here for side meeting request form and logistics
A few scholarships will be available to attend the conference. Please see here for application
Conference Website
Atmospheric Chemistry from a Distance: Real Progress through Virtual Interaction
Held Virtually Globally
Abstract + Registration Closed as of 9/2/2021.
See Early Career Research Program Schedule here! (week of 9/6/2021)
IGAC Schedule here (TIMES IN UTC)
Side Meeting Schedule here (many events open to general IGAC audience)
Poster upload here guidelines here
Explore the site here
All plenary talks and oral sessions will be streamed here
Abstract Booklet and IGAC2021 Conference brochure here (NOTE: Changes are being made in real-time to schedules; the schedule here takes precedence to anything in the conference book!).
ALL abstracts submitted will have a poster presentation. Please see below for all information about the poster sessions!
**Find your poster session here! (updated 8/28/2021) Search for your poster with the presenting author name, your submission number, or your title. In the last column, you will find your poster code. The number on your poster code will be how people will find your poster in the space, and the letter (A, B, or C) at the end of your poster code denotes during which time you should stand by your poster. If you have trouble with this form, or cannot find your abstract, please email
**Upload your poster here by September 12th, 2021
Please name your poster SubmissionNumber_LastName.
Posters can be uploaded in .png, .jpg, or pdf form.
For .png and .jpg formatted posters, posters must be at least 1000px for the width, 600px for the height, and a maximum of 3MB in size. At least 72 DPI is recommended, although this is not mandatory. All images will be enlarged to fill inside of the iframe, so exact dimensions and proportions are not required. Transparent backgrounds will be filled with a black background.
For .pdf files, the maximum file size is 25MB.
Once uploaded via the webform above, IGAC will place your poster in the appropriate grouping and notify you of where and when your poster will be.
Posters will be hosted on An interactive message board will be located next to each poster so presenters can indicate times when they will be at their poster (if outside of their scheduled poster session), and off-line messages and questions may be left for each presenter.
Poster presentation schedule
Monday September 13
14-15 UTC: A posters
15-16 UTC: B posters
16-17 UTC: C posters
Tuesday September 14
14-15 UTC A posters
Wednesday September 15
14-15 UTC B posters
Thursday September 16
16-17 UTC C posters
Friday September 17
9-10 UTC A posters
10-11 UTC B posters
11-12 UTC C posters

14th iCACGP Quadrennial Symposium & 15th IGAC Science Conference
Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan
Atmospheric Chemistry: From molecules to global impacts
iCACGP-IGAC Program iCACGP-IGAC Abstracts iCACGP-IGAC 2018 Website, IGACnews Conference Summary