Working Groups
There are many regions of the world where there are many great scientists but often their research is conducted very independently and their results often don’t reach the international community. However, as atmospheric chemistry research questions and their connections to societal issues become more global, there is a strong desire to engage these scientists in order to incorporate their research and local knowledge of these regions of the world. Therefore, the goal of IGAC National/Regional Working groups is two fold; one is to create a strong cohesive community of atmospheric scientists in a specific nation/region that together would have a sum greater than its parts, and the second is to connect the regional/national working groups to the larger IGAC community in order to foster international collaboration.
IGAC welcomes proposal for new Working Groups, please refer to IGAC Working Groups Expectations for more information.

African Group on Atmospheric Sciences (ANGA)
Working Groups

Americas Working Group
Working Groups

China Working Group
Working Groups

Japan National Committee
Working Groups

Monsoon Asian and Oceania Networking Group (MANGO)
Working Groups

Southern Hemisphere Working Group
Working Groups