
IGACnews engages and informs the international atmospheric chemistry community by providing information on IGAC Activities through Workshop Summaries, Activity Updates, and Scientific Features. In addition each issue of IGACnews profiles an early career scientist. The Open Submission section allows non-IGAC Activities related to atmospheric chemistry to publish Workshop Summaries, Activity Updates, Scientific Features, and Editorials. IGACnews is typically published three times per year. The next deadline for submissions to the Jul 2020 IGACnews is 15 June 2020. Please send submissions to info@igacproject.org. Please use this template for event summaries.
IGAC Mango group photo and cover of IGACnews

IGAC News Issue 72

igac news cover; world map showing igac activities

IGAC News October 2023 Issue 71

group picture outside of University of Manchester

April 2023 IGAC News