IGAC has a strong focus on engaging the next generation of atmospheric scientists through its early career program.  These scientists join an international network early in their career that creates relationships that facilitate atmospheric chemistry research at an international level for years to come.

IGAC cultivates the next generation of scientists by:

Hiroshi Tanimoto is the Head of Global Atmospheric Chemistry Section at National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) in Tsukuba, Japan. He received his PhD in Chemistry from The University of Tokyo in 2001 and was a visiting scholar at Harvard University during 2007–2008. Dr. Tanimoto has been working in the field of atmospheric composition in Asia and Oceania regions.

Mark Lawrence is a scientific director of the cluster “Sustainable Interactions With the Atmosphere” (SIWA) at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS, www.iass-potsdam.de) in Potsdam, Germany.

The 7th International Workshop on Heterogeneous Kinetics Related to Atmospheric
Aerosols will take place on October 18-21, 2024, at Qingdao campus, Shandong

William Apondo is an Air Quality Data Analyst for the Cities program. He supports the Emission Inventory team with collecting, processing, and analyzing indicator data for the emission inventory being developed for the cities, including the efficiency of data collection and analysis processes, and routine data QA/QC analysis to establish the scientific robustness of the collected data.

I am a final-year PhD student with the Atmospheric Sciences Research group at the North-West University (NWU) in South Africa. My PhD research uses eddy-covariance techniques to measure the first-ever fluxes of SO2 and NO2 with specific focus on the dry deposition of these acidifying species in a semi-arid African savanna. I have a background in ecology and interest in terrestrial-atmosphere interactions, climate change and biogeochemistry.