TOAR-I Open Comments

The Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR) is a current IGAC activity with a mission to provide the research community with an up-to-date scientific assessment of tropospheric ozone’s global distribution and trends from the surface to the tropopause.

Guided by this mission, TOAR has two goals:

  1. Produce the first tropospheric ozone assessment report based on the peer-reviewed literature and new analyses.
  2. Generate easily accessible, documented data on ozone exposure and dose metrics at hundreds of measurement sites around the world (urban and non-urban), freely accessible for research on the global-scale impact of ozone on climate, human health and crop/ecosystem productivity.

The report is being written as a series of eight stand-alone publications to be submitted for peer-review to Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, an open-access, non-profit science journal founded by five US research Universities and published by University of California Press ( Prior to submission each paper will be posted to this webpage for a 30-day open comment period. We invite members of the atmospheric and biological sciences communities as well as the general public to read the papers and provide comments if they wish to do so. Further instructions are listed on the first page of each paper. The open comment period will last through early 2020, with the papers posted to this webpage as they become available.

Papers Available for Comment

Update: March 11, 2020

The Open Comment period for all TOAR papers has now ended.