Africa Working Group



Africa Working Group Created in 2021 


Create a network of experts on African emissions 

Evaluate African-specific emission inventories 

Create a regional database (fuel consumption, emission factors and inventories) 

Create a continental wide African emission inventory 


1) Create a network on emissions for Africa

with experts, international group representatives and regional decision makers (emissions for both climate & air quality communities) 

2) Gather all the existing information on emissions over the continent 

Determine 1 or 2 Principal Investigators/champions per country 

3) Looking for funding 

Submit proposals, collaborate with other programs (e.g. WASCAL, WRI) 

4) Create an African emission database 

Provide basic information (fuels, emission factors) at a high spatial resolution (country, city) by considering all sectors of activity (traffic, domestic and commercial fires, waste burning, agricultural fires, industries, power plant, flaring). 

5) Develop and evaluate a continental wide African emission 

inventory from this database, possibly with the most recent DACCIWA inventory (Keita et al. 2021) as a baseline 

6) Conduct exercises on 

global/regional/local emission inventory harmonisation 

7) Organize training sessions in Africa on emissions 

Construction of emission inventories and emission factor measurements. 

8) Investigate formal links with decision makers 

in order to set up emission activity data collection at each country scale 

9) Develop an AFE platform to host database

on emission inventory, emission factors, fuel consumption data, publications, meeting informations, videos of training session ... 


Interested in joining?  Please fill out this form.

Contact Working Group Leaders

Sekou Keita: Côte d’Ivoire,

Mogesh Naidoo: South Africa ,

Cathy Liousse : France,