Fire UNcertainty: Chemistry, Emissions, & Modelling (FUNCHEM)
14-15 September 2024 (01:00 UTC to 09:00 UTC)
Hybrid / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Co-Organized by BBURNED and iLEAPS

Please mark your calendars: The international initiatives BBURNED and iLEAPS will host a joint 2-full-day workshop on biomass burning/fires that will be focused on the themes of variability and uncertainty in fire emissions, atmospheric chemistry and processes, and modelling. We aim to identify fire uncertainty related questions, preliminary/ongoing science, and kick off a multidisciplinary special journal issue. We hope that you’ll be able to join us either in person or online.
Workshop purposes are to i) present interdisciplinary/convergent fire science in sessions related to emissions, chemistry, and modelling, and ii) jointly identify fire uncertainty science questions, including current and future work in this area.
Workshop outcomes will include the launch of a multi-journal, multi-disciplinary special issue for papers on the topic of fire uncertainty.

•  Registration information and the workshop agenda will follow in the next few weeks.
•  This workshop is being held in the days immediately following the joint iCACGP-IGAC 2024 conference at a nearby venue.
•  All are welcome, but in-person registration may be limited to 50 people.
•  There may be funding support for early-career researchers and scientists from developing countries (more information to come).