Revised February 2020. Approved by GEIA SSC on 16 April 2020 Updating March 2022
The Global Emissions InitiAtive, GEIA, is a network of experts, led by its Scientific Steering Committee (SSC). The GEIA SSC consists of a limited number of self-funded emissions experts that work together to promote improved knowledge on emissions, to enhance access to emission data and information, and to set the agenda for future work on emissions. GEIA is the expert forum that unites emissions research, assessment, operations, regulation, and policy in three broad domains: 1) strengthening new understanding and analysis of emissions processes and their impacts; 2) improving access to emissions information and data (incl. interoperability, standardization); and 3) enhancing connections among the emissions community and their users’ community
The members of the GEIA SSC are expected to support GEIA’s Co-Chairs in defining and implementing the vision of GEIA through specific activities, such as:
- Identify future needs for emission knowledge and make recommendations on the best way to organize responses to emerging issues;
- Represent their expertise as part of the broader emissions community, and advocate for the needs and contributions of their specific community;
- Promote and publicize GEIA work on emissions and enhance connections through different communities;
- Link to international activities and projects whose outputs can be of relevance for GEIA’s work;
- Contribute to the synthesis and dissemination of emissions science information for environmental, climate, ecosystem, and human health policy applications;
- Contribute to focusing GEIA on a number of relevant activities and making recommendations on the best emissions development practices;
- Help organize GEIA activities such as meetings, summer schools, and working groups on specific topics;
- Contribute to the organization of GEIA biannual Conferences by helping with the selection of presenters, serving as session chairs, and providing session summaries;
- Critically review, select and approve relevant activities for the GEIA working groups, and serve on future GEIA panels convened to review emissions data and approaches;
- Serve in a leadership role on at least one of GEIA’s working groups or partner activities;
Identify possible funding sources for GEIA’s activities and pursue supplemental funding for
GEIA’s activities;
- Co-author GEIA publications;
Approve the members of the GEIA SSC and the GEIA Executive Committee, following the
guidelines as given in the organization section below;
Undertake any other activities that help implement the vision of GEIA.
GEIA Executive Committee
The GEIA Scientific Steering Committee includes an Executive Committee (ExComm). The GEIA ExComm has the same mandate as all other members of the SSC, and in addition is responsible for providing overall guidance for GEIA activities, and proposing new members for the GEIA SSC. The ExComm is comprised of two Co-Chairs, a Network Manager and a Data Manager with the following additional tasks.
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Revised February 2020. Approved by GEIA SSC on 16 April 2020 Updating March 2022
The GEIA Co-Chairs
o Define the strategy and goals of GEIA’s work and implement GEIA’s strategy
during their terms of service;
o Keep and maintain the accuracy and transparency of the budgets of the GEIA
The GEIA Network Manager
o Carries out the day-to-day communications with the GEIA network of experts and
maintains the GEIA website ( which includes details of
GEIA activities and plans. The GEIA Data Manager
o Secures access to emission data and information through the management and coordination of the GEIA Data Center, currently identified as ECCAD (
SSC Member Qualifications and Terms
Participation on the GEIA SSC is voluntary and self-funded. SSC Members are selected on the basis of their professional achievements and their field of expertise in emission related work. The composition of the SSC should reflect the widespread variability and interdisciplinarity of emission experts. The GEIA SSC should include emission experts from most world regions and representatives from different expert communities, such as the scientific community, regulatory agencies, industrial partners, policymakers, and the air quality operational forecasting community. The number of members of the SSC is not fixed and may vary in time to respond to the implementation needs of GEIA’s vision.
The members of the SSC are selected for four-year terms. After their term ends, they may decide to continue as SSC members or they may step down. The decision to step down should be communicated to the GEIA Co-Chairs, so that the ExComm can proceed to find a new candidate. SSC members are welcome to continue for additional 4-year terms as long as their participation contributes to fulfill GEIA’s vision and goals.
Election of SSC Members
The ExComm proposes new members for the SSC. The ExComm can do so at any time either because a current member steps down or because the composition of the team needs to be improved. New members of the SSC are approved by vote of the existing SSC. Any candidate receiving a majority of votes from existing SSC members joins the SSC.
GEIA Co-Chairs
The GEIA Co-Chairs are expected to carry out their tasks in the ExComm for a term of six years. This term is meant to provide enough time to secure the implementation of their proposed vision and workplan. The GEIA Co-Chairs may continue for an additional 3-year period to ensure a smooth transition with the next GEIA Co-Chairs.
The ExComm appoints the new Co-Chairs. The Co-Chairs are normally selected from the members of the SSC, although external experts may also be appointed. GEIA Co-Chairs should represent independent organisations with no specific interest in promoting their own institutions within the work of GEIA. Because the Data Manager and Network Manager maintain GEIA’s long-term continuity, the Co-Chairs are expected to provide renewal of strategic directions according to the evolving needs for improved knowledge of emissions by science and society.
Revised February 2020. Approved by GEIA SSC on 16 April 2020 Updating March 2022
The SSC ratifies the Co-Chairs appointed by the ExComm with a vote of three-quarters of the SSC members. If an appointed candidate is not ratified by the SSC, the ExComm must select another candidate and present the candidate to the SSC, continuing the process until the SSC ratifies the candidate.
Data Manager and Network Manager
The Data Manager and Network Manager maintain GEIA’s long-term continuity. These currently are funded positions. Their terms are not limited. If the funding situation changes, the SSC should reconsider the role of these positions.
Ex -Officio Members
The SSC may also appoint non-voting members who represent partnering organizations. These members are not required to actively participate in the ongoing work of GEIA, such as contributing to the organization of GEIA conferences, working groups, and other GEIA-led activities.
Inactive Members
Members are required to be active which means participating in the biannual GEIA conference, working groups, and/or other GEIA activities. If a member is inactive for over a year, GEIA Co-Chairs will discuss options which may include participating as an Ex-Officio member or stepping down.
GEIA convenes conferences every two years. These conferences bring together members of the GEIA community from around the world to share research and plans for improving the impact of GEIA’s work on societal transformations. Conference location and local organizers are selected through an open bidding process managed by the ExComm. The selection of bids should consider the accessibility of the location, the capacity of the premises, the level of local support, costs, links to other emission relevant programs, and the existing involvement of the local organizers in the GEIA network. The SSC ratifies the selection by majority vote.
The conference program is managed by the ExComm and the chair of the local organizing committee. Travel grants are managed by the ExComm, the local organizing team, and IGAC, who is traditionally the major supporter of the GEIA conferences.
GEIA is a non-profit network. IGAC and NASA have traditionally sponsored the GEIA conferences by providing funds for travel support for scientists in the GEIA network. GEIA has also received support from ESA and IUGG/IAMAS for funding travel grants. These funds are managed by the ExComm and reported back to the sponsors as requested. Sponsorships are also provided by local organizers as in-kind contributions in the organization of the Conference. These contributions are highly appreciated and recognized in each Conference by presenting the sponsors’ logos on the GEIA webpages and on conference materials.
GEIA does not have an endorsement system for specific research efforts other than through the GEIA working groups. Therefore, the GEIA ExComm or SSC cannot officially endorse an effort as an official GEIA effort; however, they can provide letters that acknowledge the value of the effort to the GEIA community.
Revised February 2020. Approved by GEIA SSC on 16 April 2020 Updating March 2022
GEIA's efforts in emissions analysis are advanced by working groups on specific topics,
overarching activities, and through collaborations with other initiatives, science teams, and/or
agencies. A new working group can be proposed by members of the SSC or by members of
the GEIA community at large. If proposed by a non SSC member, the group must identify a
SSC liaison for the group. The SSC confirms the creation of new working groups as well as
the evolution and closing of them. Working groups are required to present regular updates to
the SSC and provide communications on their activities for the GEIA web site and for the
GEIA Network as appropriate. Working group leadership are responsible for organizing their
work, presenting their work and updating their goals.