GEIA2025 Call for Participation

Call for Participation

21th GEIA Conference -- Emissions Science for a Transitioning World

9-11 July 2025      Abidjan, Ivory Coast        Félix Houphouet Boigny University

Emissions science plays a key role for a transitioning world whatever the transition challenges (climatic, ecological, demographic, social, economic or technological), which are different in different parts of the world. The Global Emissions InitiAtive (GEIA) is a trusted source of the emissions knowledge and information needed to address some of society’s greatest challenges by ensuring access to emissions data, facilitating emissions analyses, and strengthening the global community of emissions stakeholders. 

GEIA’s 21th Conference will focus on advancing the scientific basis of anthropogenic and natural emissions understanding on an urban, regional and global scales. The Conference will bring together the latest research on integrated top-down and bottom-up assessments and will discuss the impacts of air pollutants, emerging toxics and greenhouse gases emissions on air quality, climate and biodiversity. The conference will highlight the activities of GEIA’s Working Groups and GEIA’s collaborations with other international groups. A special interactive session on the key role of emissions science to mitigate greenhouse gases, air pollutants and emerging toxics will be organized involving all conference participants including researchers, civil society and decision-makers. The conference also will solicit input from the community about GEIA’s path forward by involving experts from all over the world.

The Conference will have 4 sessions:

1) Anthropogenic sources from urban to global scales (traffic, residential, industries, waste burning, power plants, agriculture, biomass burning …)

2) Natural emissions (biogenic emissions, soil, dust, wildfires ..) 

3) Integrated top-down and bottom up assessments 

4) Impacts of emissions of greenhouse gases, air pollutants, and emerging toxics

A companion local conference web site is in construction for registration.

Registration Fee: 300 Euros Maximum (Includes lunches, coffee/tea breaks and a reception)

GEIA Executive Committee: Cathy Liousse, Brian McDonald, Paulette Middleton, Claire Granier

Local Organizing Committee Chairs: Sekou Keita, Véronique Yoboué, Cathy Liousse


Contact Information





Select One Session Preference ________

1) Anthropogenic sources from urban to global scales 

2) Natural emissions 

3) Integrated top-down and bottom up assessments 

4) Impacts of emissions of greenhouse gases, air pollutants, and emerging toxics

Select One - Early Career Scientist  

Yes_______   No________

Select One - Need Partial Travel Support

Yes_______   No________



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 Deadline for Submission:  March 10, 2025