Apply to the IGAC Early Career Short Course

Only early career scientist may apply to participate in the 2020 IGAC Early Career Short Course (ECSC). An early career scientist is a current graduate student or a scientist within three years of completing their PhD, excluding career breaks.

The webform must be completed by 27 March 2020 11:59 MDT (GMT -6)

You will be notified about the status of your application by 8 May 2020

The application to the short course requires you to complete this webform. The webform requires you to provide the following information:

  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Nationality
  • Gender (Female, Male, Other, Prefer Not to Specify)
  • Current Status (Masters Student, PhD Student, Post-doc, Research Scientist, Professor)
  • Year
    • If you select Masters or PhD student, enter the year you STARTED your most recent graduate program.
    • If you select Post-doc, Research Scientist, or Professor, enter what year you EARNED your highest degree.
  • Current Institute
  • Department
  • Location of Institute (City/Town, Country)
  • Supervisor's Name
  • Topic of Research
    • Current Masters or PhD students should enter the title of their thesis if known or their topic of research if not known.
    • Current post-docs, research scientists, and professors should enter the topic of their current research.
  • Personal Statement
    • In 300 words or less, address why you want to attend the 2020 IGAC Early Career Short Course, what you would contribute to the ECSC as a participant, and how your career goals relate to IGAC’s mission and vision.
  • Upload CV
    • The CV, including a publications list, should be a maximum of 3 pages and must be in pdf format. Please name the file YourSurnameFirstname_CV.pdf.
  • Upload Submitted Abstract to IGAC2020
    • In order for your application to be complete, you must upload a pdf copy of your abstract submitted to the Oxford Abstract system. If your abstract is submitted in a different format, your application will be considered incomplete and be withdrawn. To access you abstract in a format that can be saved as a pdf, click on the link in the abstract submission confirmation email to view your abstract in the "abstract book view." Save the abstract book view as a pdf and upload it to the webform. Please name the file YourSurnameFirstname_Abstract.pdf
  • Name of a person that will submit a letter of recommendation on your behalf
    • A letter will be sent to this person requesting them to submit a letter of recommendation on your behalf by Friday 3 April 2020. You will receive a confirmation email when a letter of recommendation has been submitted. It is your responsibility to make sure a letter of recommedation is submitted by the deadline. Applications that do not receive a letter of recommendation will be considered incomplete and be withdrawn.
  • Recommender's Email Address

Once you complete the webform, you will have the opportunity to preview it before you submit it. You will NOT be able to edit the webform once it is submitted. Therefore, please make sure to carefully prepare your application prior to entering the information in the webform and please preview the webform before submitting it. Only one webform can be submitted per person.

Link to Webform