IGAC SSC Nomination Form

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To nominate someone to the 2025 IGAC SSC, please fill out this form. Please note to complete the nomination process, you will need to upload the nominee's CV and publication list (if it is not included in the CV) as well as a ~300 word or less statement from the nominee on "Why do you want to serve on the IGAC SSC and what will you bring to IGAC" and a 200 word or less statement on the nominee about "How do you envision IGAC engaging with society". Please name the files NomineeSurname_CV.pdf (doc, docx), NomineeSurname_Pubs.pdf (doc, docx),  NomineeSurname_Statement.pdf (doc, docx), and NomineeSurname_Engagement, respectively. Nominations are due 30 June 2024. For more information on serving on the IGAC SSC, please see The Expectations and Roles of SSC Members. 

Nominee's Name
Location of Institute
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