13th Quadrennial iGACGP Symposium / 13th IGAC Science ConferenceiCACGPIGACBrazil - Natal. 22-26 September 2014

Young Scientists

Please answer the YS survey before Thursday, September 25th as we need to give the results on the closing ceremony: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MJBY5PM

iCACGP Symposia and IGAC Conferences encourage the gathering of young and senior researchers to establish and enhance cooperation networks. Traditionally, a great effort is made to engage Young Scientists (YS) from all, and particularly developing, countries. Since 2004, the conference organizes special events for Young Scientists in its official program. These special events focus on exchange of young and senior scientists during social activities, workshops and special awards for best YS speakers and posters.

All Young Scientists, independent whether funded by the conference or not, who are interested in attending the Young Scientists Program events, please sign-up here. Also, you can now join our Young Scientists mailing-list here to communicate with other YS and ask questions to the Young Scientists Program Committee (YSPC).

YS Program Committee (YSPC)    

Final YS Program    

YS Financial Support    

YS Accomodation