IGAC has a strong focus on engaging the next generation of atmospheric scientists through its early career program. These scientists join an international network early in their career that creates relationships that facilitate atmospheric chemistry research at an international level for years to come.
IGAC cultivates the next generation of scientists by:
- Having an early career Scientific Steering Committee, co-sponsored by iCACGP
- Providing early career travel grant to IGAC sponsored events;
Hosting the IGAC Early Career Short Course and the Early Career Program as part of the biennial IGAC Science Conferences
iCACGP-IGAC Early Career SSC
The first IGAC-iCACGP Early Career Researcher Scientific Steering Committee was formed in January 2023, following a recruitment effort during the joint iCACGP-IGAC 2022 meeting in Manchester, UK. Members from across the globe serve on the committee. We meet every two months for general Committee business and more frequently when planning events, such as workshops/seminars/conferences.
The ECR SSC has identified three major activities through which to improve the experience of early career researchers within the IGAC community:
- Communication: Improve outreach to early career researchers, particularly in developing nations and underserved scientific communities.
- Engagement: Incite early career researcher to join IGAC activities and working group, and partake in IGAC activities. Outreach and combine efforts to fellow scientific organizations (e.g. SOLAS, iLEAPS, LAECESS, etc.)
- Career development: Provide resources and workshops to enhance early career researchers career perspectives, and provide networking opportunities.
Website: https://www.ecr-igac-icacgp.org/
Join the mailing list: https://mailchi.mp/b9d53e901fd8/igac-ecrs
IGAC Early Career Short Course
The IGAC Early Career Short takes place the three days prior to the IGAC Science Conference. The short course is planned by a committee of international early career researcher. 40 competitively chosen researchers apply to attend the short course and are selected by an international group of atmospheric chemists.
The Early Career Short Course aims to provide an opportunity for these selected early career scientists to learn career skills and to build a network amongst their peers.
- 2016 IGAC Early Career Short Course
- 2018 iCACGP/IGAC Early Career Short Course
- 2021 IGAC Early Career Short Course (virtual)
- 2022 IGAC Early Career Short Course
- 2024 IGAC Early Career Short Course
Networking Opportunities
Young Earth System Scientists community (YESS)
YESS, unifies international and multidisciplinary early career researchers in a powerful network, providing a voice and leverage for a better future to serve society.
Latin America Early Career Earth System Scientists Network (LAECESS)
A group of Young Scientists from Latin America aiming to promote networking, integrated science and soft skills. We are currently working towards creating a platform to implement our objectives. Please feel free to join, everybody is welcomed.
Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN)
An international peer-mentoring network of women in the Earth Sciences, many of whom are in the early stages of their careers. Our mission is to promote career development, build community, provide opportunities for informal mentoring and support, and facilitate professional collaborations