Emily is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Manchester and her research primarily focuses on the analysis of chemical ionisation mass spectrometer (CIMS) measurements made onboard the UK research aircraft. Her research interests lie in the marine sulphur and reduced nitrogen cycles. 

Sophie Szopa is an atmospheric chemist at the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement. She uses numerical models to study how chemistry intervenes in the modification of the composition of the atmosphere and how this affects climate and air quality. She carried out work on these various current environmental issues, before becoming interested in the role of this chemistry in the distant past of the Earth.


Biomass Burning Uncertainty: ReactioNs, Emissions and Dynamics

Overarching Objective:


The 2023 Spring Meetings of the Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution will take place in four online sessions on 18-21 April 2023. Further information about registration will be provided on htap.org

See here: https://waset.org/air-quality-pollution-and-management-conference-in-december-2022-in-kuala-lumpur

Online Everywhere & Panama Convention Center, Panama City, Panama




Open for session proposals now! Proposals due 21 December 2022



Place: Chicago, IL, USA and online everywhere. 


