Working Group leads: Lee T. Murray, University of Rochester, USA (lee.murray @
Alex Archibald, University of Cambridge, UK (ata27 @
David Plummer, ECCC, Canada (david.plummer @
TOAR-II Steering Committee liaison: Jacek Kamiński, Institute of Environmental Protection - National Research Institute, Poland (jkaminski @
Established: October 7, 2021
The Tropospheric Ozone in Global and Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Models: Evaluation and Prediction Focus Working Group has the following objectives:
Atmospheric chemistry models are vital tools used for forecasting the distribution of ozone across a wide variety of spatial and temporal domains, attributing those patterns to their underlying processes, understanding the associated impacts on human health, vegetation, and climate, and forecasting historical and future changes. This TOAR-II Focus Working Group will, (1) generate an updated evaluation on the present-day skill of global and regional models to reproduce tropospheric ozone distributions, its underlying processes, and its impacts, and (2) support the other Focus Working Groups in their efforts through the coordination of model simulations and data sharing in TOAR-II and beyond. Key to this Working Group’s success will be engagement with modeling centers and groups around the world. This will be facilitated through coordination with the joint IGAC/SPARC Chemistry-Climate Modeling Initiative (CCMI) through its purview to address emerging science questions, improve process understanding, and support upcoming ozone and climate assessments.