Latest News:
The Copernicus TOAR-II Community Special Issue is now closed. The TOAR-II assessment papers are now in progress
TOAR-II Data User Workshops were held on
- 23 June, 2022 12 h CEST to 24 June 15 h CEST 2022 (in-person, Juelich, Germany)
- 12 July, 2022 05 - 10 UTC (virtual)
- 13 July, 2022 13 - 18 UTC (virtual)
- 17 and 19 January, 2023 (virtual)
Recordings from Juelich workshop are available here.
As of February 2020, TOAR (Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report: Global metrics for climate change, human health and crop/ecosystem research) has entered its second phase (TOAR-II), the first phase having been completed in 2019. The TOAR mission continues, with TOAR-II providing updated and extended information on tropospheric ozone.
Specifically, the goals of TOAR-II are:
- TOAR Ozone Data Portal: Update the ozone observations in the TOAR surface ozone database to include all recent observations (since 2014), and include data from new sites and regions, as well as ozone precursor and meteorological data. Develop methods for including historical data (pre-1975) and create working links to repositories of free tropospheric observations.
- TOAR publications: Exploit the new observational datasets collected by Goal 1 (with data through 2020) to provide an updated state of the science estimate of ozone’s global distribution and trends relevant to climate, human health and vegetation. Extend the statistical toolbox and metrics of the TOAR trend analyses. These results will be published in the open-access, peer-reviewed literature.
- Involve scientists from the atmospheric sciences community, as well as statisticians and scientists who focus on broader issues of global change and sustainability, to identify outstanding science questions in relation to tropospheric ozone. The range of topics can be expanded beyond the scope of the original TOAR effort to investigate the impacts of tropospheric ozone on climate, human health and vegetation, and to address urban-scale issues in addition to the regional and global scale.
- Maximize exploitation of the TOAR Surface Ozone Database by, 1) helping scientists around the world, beyond the TOAR effort, to apply the database to new analyses, and 2) exploring new data science methods to improve the analysis of global ozone trends and their attribution.
To join the TOAR-II email list, sign-up here
Get Involved
The TOAR-II Kick-Off Workshop was held in virtual format over four days in late January and early February 2021. TOAR-II Kick-Off was the first TOAR-II workshop, designed to gather the community and develop the working groups that will produce the papers for the TOAR-II Community Special Issue (the first step of the second Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report), as well as identify new datasets for the assessment of tropospheric ozone and its impact on climate, health and vegetation.
Details of the workshop are available in a summary pdf, and additional workshop materials (including all presentations) are available on the TOAR-Repository. To get involved, please follow the respective links in the summary pdf.
Further information about TOAR-II can be found in the presentation slides from the on-line Quickstart Event held on September 16, 2020:
· Archived recording of the Quickstart Event (link to video)
· Overview of TOAR-I achievements and goals of TOAR-II (pdf)
· TOAR-II data infrastructure: general information (pdf) and recordings from the Data Gathering Event, January 2022
· How to develop a TOAR-II Working Group (pdf)
Current Working Groups
Chemical Reanalysis Focus Working Group
Global and Regional Models Focus Working Group
Human Health Impacts of Ozone Focus Working Group
Machine Learning for Tropospheric Ozone
Ozone Deposition Focus Working Group
Ozone over the Oceans Focus Working Group
Ozone and Precursors in the Tropics (OPT) Focus Working Group
Radiative Forcing Focus Working Group
Satellite Ozone Focus Working Group
South Asia Focus Working Group
Statistics Focus Working Group
Tropospheric Ozone Precursors (TOP) Focus Working Group
Urban Ozone Focus Working Group
TOAR-II Assessment Teams and Schedule
22-24 July 2024 lead author meeting
September 2024: final decision on timeline (then really strict!)
December 2024: check-in point: first reasonable complete drafts
April 2025: complete drafts
May (and June): open comment period
September 2025: submission
September 2026: publication
Assessment Teams/ Leads
Climate/ S. Szopa
Health/ G. Kerr
Vegetation/ L. Emberson
Africa Regional/ R. Moolla
S. America Regional/ R. Seguel
Ozone over Oceans/ R. Sommariva
Tropical Ozone and Precursors/ A. Gaudel & Bastien Sauvage & Yuqiang Zhang
Satellite Ozone Observations/ D. Hubert & K. Miyazaki
Strat/Troposphere Exchange/ P. Griffiths & J. Keeble
Governance and Procedural Documents
TOAR-II Steering Committee Terms of Reference
TOAR-II Scope and Roadmap for Working Groups and Publications
TOAR-II Guidelines for Working Groups
TOAR-II Working Group application procedure
TOAR-II Guidelines for TCO and profile intercomparisons