PARTICIPATE in GEIA 2025 Conference - Official Call for Participation ended March 10
Please contact regarding options for late submissions.
The 21th GEIA Conference - GEIA 2025 Emissions Science for a Transitioning World - will be held 9-11 July 2025 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast at the Félix Houphouet Boigny University.
Deadline for submitting abstracts is March 10, 2025.
Please submit your abstract and other information as outlined here in the call for participation to Paulette Middleton
Questions: Contact Cathy Liousse
JOIN the GEIA Network: Send your name, email, affiliation and country to Paulette Middleton GEIA Network Manager at
GEIA's Mission -- Quantification of chemical emissions into the air is a key step in explaining observed variability and trends in atmospheric composition and in attributing these observed changes to their causes on local to global scales. Accurate emissions data are necessary to identify feasible controls that reduce adverse impacts associated with air quality and climate, to track the success of implemented policies, and to estimate future impacts. GEIA is a community effort that builds bridges between environmental science and policy, by bringing together people, data, and tools to create and communicate the highest quality information about emissions. GEIA seeks to enhance access to emissions data, facilitate analysis to improve the scientific basis for emissions information, and strengthen the emissions community.
GEIA Scientific Steering Committee (SSC), guided by the SSC Mandate, manages GEIA.
GEIA History from 1990 - Present provides details about GEIA's evolution including past leadership, objectives, conferences and other activities and accomplishments.


Working Group Details: China Emissions, VOC Emissions, Latin America/Caribbean Emissions, Urban Emissions, Africa Emissions, and Near Real Time Emissions.
New as of June 2024 - Methane Emissions Working Group

GEIA 2023 Conference SUMMARY
GEIA 2023 Conference Detailed Agenda
SAVE THE DATE GEIA 2025 conference
GEIA Network, over 2000 members from all over the world, receive timely notices about conferences and other GEIA related events, opportunities to engage with GEIA Working Groups and other activities, and job announcements.
JOIN the GEIA Network: Send your name, email, affiliation and country to Paulette Middleton GEIA Network Manager at

Visit the EMissions in South America (EMISA) website for detailed South America emissions.
Upcoming Events
Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire
More information here!
New Directions: GEIA's 2020 vision for better air emissions information (2013) G.J. Frost, P. Middleton, L. Tarrason, C. Granier, et al. Atmos. Env.